Love is the best thing may happen in your life, it happens once and won’t repeat again ever! When time is worthless next to her, when you start counting her breaths, when you want nothing in her absence, when you wait and wait for her call and when you don’t want to leave when she is with you, that’s love. When you start to cry by looking in her eyes, that’s love. When you want to sleep forever next to her that is called love. So when you have these feelings, don’t let it to go, take it, stick to it ; because Love happens once in your life and doesn’t repeat. Love is the best thing may happen to you and don’t listen to the others. They are not in your shoe and they don’t feel what you feel. Close your eyes and follow your hearth because Love happens once in your life. If you leave it behind, one day you will regret it, no matter what you become or how much money you make. Take my advice and don’t let Love to go and learn the Power of Love.