Feb 7, 2007

Fight Global Warming!

From now on, everyday you will hear this term "Global Warming"; everyone will talk about it just you like when heard "Sadam" million times in the last four years every day, every minute, every second. It is real and it is happening right now and you will feel its effects on our daily life very soon, sooner than you think. What shall we do? Can we do something about it? Or it is out of our power? Well some of you may say: I am not a member of States and I can't do anything about it, my goverment should react earlier" and so on. But believe me You can do many things..You can help. Just tomorrow morning, when you go to your local grocery shop, take your plastic bag and don't ask for a new one...Every time you use used plastic bags for carrying your goods, You are helping in our fight against Global Warming! You can do it when you believe in it and your little help means alot...so don't forget to re-use your used plastic bags...please.