Happy Birthday Mr Amigo
Sep 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Mr Amigo!
12:36 PM
Sep 12, 2007
Doing PhD?
The Energy 2007
9:07 AM
Sep 7, 2007
Finally It is Coming Out!
Finally it is coming out soon! It has been the best reference for more than half a century and will be. It has been updated for the first time in more than a decade and the new version will include the latest advances in modeling, biological processes, biochemical and membrance separation processes and chemical plant safety practices with accident histories. All the sections on chemical and physical data are updated and expanded. It contains over 700 detailed illustrations and after all it is Perry's Chemical Engineers's Handbook!
10:09 AM
Labels: chemical engineering, chemistry, handbook
2007 ICCS&T
Coal preparation;
Analytical methods;
Oxy-fuel firing;
Adsorption of gases;
Gas clean-up;
Co-combustion and biomass;
Trace elements and
CO2 capture and utilisation.
There were few poor presentations from far east countries were they were really repeating the works which have been done many years ago! Unfortunately many of the studies carried out by post-graduate students suffered from poor literature review! The most important part of each novel work is reviewing past works and research. The element that many new researchers underestimates it as they want to get results as soon as possible!
The other disappoint of the conference was its prize session which the prizes were not given to those who really deserve it. Instead, I think the prize winners were selected more politically than based on the quality of the work!
Bottom line the conference brought a great opportunity to compare your work with others! To know what others are up to and where the funds and grants are spending on. I got new ideas during the conference and thanks to Nottingham Conference that I made new scientist friends!
9:36 AM
Labels: chemistry, coal, conference, science
Aug 18, 2007
Aug 17, 2007
King of All Time
11:32 AM
Aug 12, 2007
Aug 7, 2007
Logical Song by Supertramp
When I was young,
it seemed that life was so wonderful,
a miracle,
oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees,
well they'd be singing so happily,
joyfully, playfully watching me.
But then they send me away
to teach me how to be sensible,
logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world
where I could be so dependable,
clinical, intellectual, cynical.
There are times
when all the world's asleep,
the questions run too deep
for such a simple man.
Won't you please,
please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
but please tell me who I am.
Now watch what you say
or they'll be calling you a radical,
liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Won't you sign up your name,
we'd like to feel you're
acceptable, respecable,
presentable, a vegtable!
1:40 PM
Aug 2, 2007
Jul 23, 2007
UK removes Iran airline's licence
Just read this:
"The UK has suspended Iranian airline Mahan Air's operating permit on safety grounds, the Department for Transport (DfT) has said".
Source: BBC
8:47 AM
Mr Zarnegar Tribute
8:10 AM
Jul 20, 2007
Iranians and Power of lying!
- 330 BC Alexander occupied Iran (Perisa);
- 642 Arabs occupied Iran;
- 1259 Chingiz Khan occupied Iran;
- 1722 Afghans occupied Iran;
- 1729 Russians occupied north of Iran;
- 1850 Red coats occupied south of Iran.
In addition to all these major occupations, you have to take into account all natural disasters and crisis, revolutions, coups etc. If you think about these, you will understand that Iranian people, who their lives, families, properties and assets were under danger, had no other chance than lying to protect and keep them! Therefore, during long history of Iran, lying has become part of Iranians daily life and character. It is bitter but it is true that it is part of Iranian’s nature to lie and they believe their own lies too! Once I read somewhere:
“Power don't come from a badge, or a gun
Power comes from lying
Lying big and getting the whole damn world to play along with you”
This statement may be true and Iranians have understood it very well to protect themselves or gain what they want! Friends lie to their friends, manager’s lie to their colleagues, government to their people and vice versa. Lying has become something normal in Iranian’s daily life no matter where they are in the world. For 100% sure lying is the best tool for achieving your goals in short term, no matter what they are, you can get what you want in short term by lying! You can go to a job interview and lie about your skills and abilities! Bigger your lie, bigger your salary! But once you are in the position the D-day will come and you will be asked to do something you claimed you were capable of! I am sure you know the rest…. But how about the future? Can you lie forever? Can you play with people in your life forever? There will one day that your lies will be revealed and then no one believes a word comes out from your mouth! More lies you tell, more they become part of you. Then you start believing your own lies and that’s day you start making mistakes! Just read!
11:25 AM
May 18, 2007
Apr 25, 2007
BBC and double standard
Just compare these two links (one news in two different language broadcast by one agency), BBC Persian use Persian Golf while BBC World use Golf for Persian Golf. What do you call that?
11:44 AM
Apr 24, 2007
BBC and Persian Golf
Have you ever seen BBC use term "Persian Golf"? I haven't seen once apart from BBC Persian. Here there is another example:
12:28 PM
Historical, Geographical and Legal Validity of the Name : Persian Golf
Historical, Geographical and Legal Validity of the Name :
Geography, as the most ancient human knowledge is an applied science which has different aspects. It studies the reciprocal relation of man and nature and provides the results to the users in the form of documents in writing, books and maps. The names of features and phenomena including natural or man made ones have been considered by geographers for a long time, therefore similar features are distinguished by it. The name of a feature can not be observed on the land like the feature itself. Thus, by mentioning the case on maps, Atlases, and books, it will be protected during different eras as a part of historical, cultural identity and saved as mans heritage. For the same reason, any change, destruction, or alteration of the names registered in historical deeds and maps is like the destruction of ancient works and is considered as an improper action. Therefore, the names of geographical features profiting from a unique historical identity, should not be utilized as political instruments in reaching a political, tribal, and racial objective, or in any clash with national interests and other's values. This paper provides a short study of the historical background of the name PERSIAN GULF so that it might cast light on realities.
Geographical Specifications of PERSIAN GULF
The Persian Gulf is located in the southwest of the Asian Continent at 23 to 30 degrees northern latitude and 48 to 56 degrees longitude on the south side of the vast country of Iran, with a length of 1259 kilometer. Karoun, Zohreh, Jarrahi Mond, Dalki, Hendijan, Kol and Minab are the largest and the most watery rivers that flow into the PERSIAN GULF from the Iranian Plateau. The PERSIAN GULF is a projection of water from the Indian Ocean into a part of the Iranian Plateau. The whole northern part of it is covered by the Fars Province in Iran. T hus, if we were to presume that the sea did not have a name during history and those geographers and specialists were to select a name for this gulf, doubtlessly, they would find no better name than PERSIAN GULF, because Iran (PERSIA) is the largest country adjacent to this water body which possesses the longest coast. Besides, with a population of more than 70 million it is larger than any country located at the south margin of Fars.
The researchers, who have researched about the name of Persian Gulf, became unanimous considering the name of Persian Gulf. During all the centuries, and at least during the past 2500 years, i.e. as of the time of the powerful Pars Empire there has never been seen such a unanimity in the Middle East among writers and historians on one name during history. Considering the historical background of the name Persian Gulf, Sir Arnold Wilson mentions in a book, published in 1928 that: "No water channel has been so significant as PERSIAN GULF to the geologists, archaeologists, geographers, merchants, politicians, excursionists, and scholars whether in past or in present. This water channel which separates the Iran Plateau from the Arabia Plate, has enjoyed an Iranian Identity since at least 2200 years ago.
Name of PERSIAN GULF in Historical Documents
No written deed has remained since the era before the Pars Empire, but in the oral history and culture, the Iranians have called the southern waters: Jam Sea, Iran Sea, Pars Sea. During the years: 559 to 330 B.C. coinciding with sovereignty of the Pars Empire on the Middle East area, especially the whole part of Persian Gulf and some parts of the Arabian Peninsula, the name of Pars Sea has been widely written in the compiled texts. In the travel account of Pythagoras, several chapters are related to description of his travels accompanied by Darioush, a king of Achaemenid, to Shoush and Perspolis, and the area is described. From among the writings of others in the same period, there is the inscription and engraving of Darioush the great, installed at junction of waters of Arabian Gulf (Ahmar Sea) and Nile river and Rome river (current Mediterranean) which belongs to the 5th century BC where, Darioush, the king of Pars Empire has named the PERSIAN GULF Water Channel: PARS SEA. From among the other significant deeds written in this field, the world map: Hecataeus (472 to 509 B.C.) can be stated where PERSIAN GULF and Arabian Gulf (Red Sea) have been clearly shown. Also a map has remained from Herodotus, the great historian of Greece (425-484 B.C.) which introduces Red Sea as the Arabian Gulf. In the world map of Diseark (285-347 B.C.) too, Persian Gulf and Arabian Gulf have been clearly distinct. At the same time, many maps and deeds prepared up to the 8th century by the scientists and geographical researchers such as Hecataeus, Herodotus (father of Science of Geography), Hiparek, Claudius Batlamious, Krats Malous,…… and in the Islamic period, Mohammad Ibn Mousa Kharazmi, Abou Yousef Eshagh Kandi, Ibn Khardazabeh, Harrani (Batani), Masoudi, Abou Zeyd Balkhi, Estakhri, Ibn Houghal, Aboureyhan Birouni and others, mention that there is a wide sea at south of Iran named Pars Sea, Pars Gulf, Fars Sea, Fars Gulf, Bahre Fars, Sinus Persicus and Mare Persicum and so on. In a book, named Persilus Aryateria, the Greek tourist of the 1st century A.D. has called the Red Sea as Arabian gulf; the Indian ocean has been named Aryateria Sea; the waters at Oman Coast is called Pars Sea; Barbarus region (between Oman and Yemen coast are called belonging to Pars, and the Gulf located at south side of Iran is named: PERSIAN GULF. By describing the water body, the life of Persians living at both sides have also been confirmed.
Islamic Period
Before Christ, the Arabs were living more in Hejaz, Yemen, and coasts of Red Sea (Arabian Gulf) and were not that much familiar with Persian Gulf. After Ardeshir, king of Iran during Sassanid era campaigned to Yemen upon request of Seif Ibn Ziyazan, governor of Yemen to suppress Abyssinian, the event lead to traffic of Arabs at the coasts of Persian Gulf. With the emergence of Islam and expansion of this religion to Iran, the immigration of Arabs to the coasts of PERSIAN GULF increased. However, in more than 30 geographical, historical, literary, books or the books on interpretation of morals, and jurisprudence, the Muslims and Arab scientists have described PERSIAN GULF. Such books as: Albaladan, History of Yaghoubi, Almaghari, Fotouhalsham, Fatholajam, written by Mohammad Ibn Omar (70 lunar calendar), History of Moghimi, History of Alrosol Valmouk (Mohammad Ibn Jarir Tabari), History of Balami, Ibn Khardazabeh, Ibn Faghih Hamedani, Estakhri, Masoudi, Moghadasi, Ibn Houghal, Ghazvini, Taher Marvazi, Naser Khosrow, Shamseddin Dameshghi, Ghodameh Ibn Jafar, Ibn Yaghoub, Ibn Rasteh, Shahriar Ramhormozi, Ibn Balkhi, Edrisi, Bakran Khorasani, Yaghout Hamoudi, Abolfada, Nobari, Joveyni, Haji Khalifeh (Chalabi), Jorji Zeydan, all have used the name of Persian Gulf in their books since 207 (lunar calendar) so far.
Hegemony of Portuguese
In 1507 A.D. Portugal's navy captured Hormoz Island under commandment of Alphonso Burkerk and it continued till 1620. In a research essay, Dr. José Manuel Garcia, professor and a member of Geographical Society of Portugal emphasized the name of Persian Gulf in the official and unofficial deeds and maps of Portugal since 1507 so far. The maps prepared by the Portuguese on Persian Gulf are kept in museums as human heritage. From among 50 maps and letters exchanged during the years: 1500 to 1700 A.D. among the governors of Persian Gulf and the kings of Portugal and Spain or those mentioned in books and writings of tourists, Persian Gulf has been named as follows: Mare de Persia, Persico Sinus, mare Persio, Sinus Persico, Mare Persico, mar Persiano, Persio-Persiski Zaliv, Persischer Golf, Pars Sea, Bahre Fars, Perza obol, Persiste Habbugt.
PERSIAN GULF in Contracts and Accords As of 1507 to 1960, at least in 10 contracts concluded among the countries such as Kuwait, Arabia, Ottoman, Oman, United Emirates, compiled in English and Arabic, the name of PERSIAN GULF has been used. From among the aforesaid contracts the following can be mentioned:
1. General contract with Arabian Emirs on Jan. 8, 1820 between Sheikhs of United Emirates at PERSIAN GULF, signed by General Cairo and 11 chiefs of Arab Tribes, the word: Alkhalij Alfarsi has been used in the Arabic texts.
2. Contract of 1947 on Prohibition of Slaves Sales.
3. Permanent Contract of Peace in 1853.
4. Treaty of 1856 on Slaves Trade.
5. Contract on Independence of Kuwait (this deed was registered on June 19, 1961 with Secretariat of United Nations.
6. Treaty on Determination of Border Lines of Iraq and Kuwait (1996)
Also in the political and legal and economic accords concluded between United Emirates and the other countries during the years of 1806 to 1971, the word: Bahre Fars or PERSIAN GULF has been used.
PERSIAN GULF in Historical Maps
In all the important historical maps and Atlas whether modern or belonging to previous centuries, the water artery located at south of Iran has been registered as Persian Gulf. In the Arabian countries too, it has always been named PERSIAN GULF up to the 70s. For instance, in the Atlas "Alaragh fi Alkhavaret Alghadimeh" by Dr. Ahmad Souseh (Baghdad 1959) including 40 maps among the Arabian sources of the Middle Ages. In the maps presented by Arabian countries to the International Court of the Judiciary for settlements of border claims, the name of PERSIAN GULF has been mentioned. In Atlas of Alkuwait fi Alkharaet Alalam" some maps have been used where there exists the name of PERSIAN GULF. In Atlas of "Alkuwait Ghara fi Alkharaet Altarikhieh" published by the efforts of Abdollah Yousef Alghanim in 1994, there are about 200 maps mentioning the name of PERSIAN GULF.
· The book: "Osoul Alkuwait Almanshour Alalam" (1991) published in the Netherlands also contains 15 maps where the name of PERSIAN GULF exists.
· In the book: "Alkhalij alfars Abar Altarikh va Alghoroun" (written by Mohammad Mirza, 1976 Cairo) there are 52 maps drawn out of Arabic sources, mentioning the name of PERSIAN GULF.
· In Atlas of "History of Islam" (1951-55 America and Egypt) the name Persian Gulf has been mentioned 16 times.
· In Atlas of "Khalij (Gulf) in the Historical Maps" (1999) excluding three maps which were drawn after 15th century, seem to be included beside the other maps (all of which mention the name of PERSIAN GULF) upon persistence of the honorable person collecting them, where the name has been forged as: Arabic Gulf.
In next maps, the same cartographers have corrected the name to Persian Gulf. The Arabic Bank and Beyt Alquran in Bahrain published a large wall calendar in 1996 containing the historical map of Bahrain in which all the maps contain the name of PERSIAN GULF. It is interesting that from among 6000 existing historical maps published up to 1890, there are only three maps mentioning the names of Basreh Gulf, Ghatif Gulf, and Arabic Gulf, in addition to which the name of small gulfs located at the coast with local utilization can be also named such as Chah Bahar Gulf, Siraf Gulf, Basreh Gulf, Ghatif Gulf, Bahrain Gulf,…. but such names are not applied to the entirety of the Persian Gulf. It is obvious that the promotional use by the Arabs of the three forementioned maps, whose identity and originality are not clear, in comparison with 6000 maps and more than 200 historical and tourism books from Irastus to Herodotus to Estakhri and Ibn Houghal, who have all called the water body, PERSIAN GULF, shall lack any value. In the Arabic Dictionary Almonjamed, Library of American Congress, Britain National Library (London), deeds at Ministry of India's Affairs (London), Library of Faculty of Orientalist Studies of London, there are more than 300 maps, containing the name PERSIAN GULF. Furthermore, about 30 valid Atlas have registered the name of PERSIAN GULF within the past 30 years, such as: Atlas of Thomas Herbert (1628), Atlas of Pars, Lousaj University (1863), Atlas of Germany (1861), Pars Envile Atlas (1760), Atlas of Modern Geography (1890), Atlas of London (1873), Atlas of Ernest Embrosius (1922), Atlas of Bilefild (1899), Atlas of Harmsorth (19th Century, London),…. In 18th and 19th centuries when the government of Britain expanded its dominance over the seas and according to some treaties was recognized as supporter and successor of Sheikhs on the south sectors of the PERSIAN GULF, the official maps of the areas from East Seas of Suez, specially India and PERSIAN GULF were drawn up as instructed by the government of Britain, all of which reflect clearly the name of PERSIAN GULF. Some examples are as follows:
1. The Empire of Persia prepared by D'Avnille in 1770.
2. A New Map of the Empire of Persia prepared by D'Avnille in 1794.
3. Persia Map prepared for the new Atlas by Thomsons in 1818.
4. Persia map prepared by Orme, Brown Longman, Rees in 1828.
5. Persia with part of the ottoman Empire prepared by G.long in 1831.
6. Central Asia Map, prepared by Alex Burnes in 1834.
7. Persia Map (1840) prepared for Atlas Black.
8. Persia Map prepared for Atlas Black in 1884.
9. Persia & Cabool Map prepared by A. K. Johnston in 1844.
10. Map of Persia, Cabul, etc. prepared by J. Arrowsmith in 1873.
11. Map of Persia & Afghanistan prepared by A. C. Block in 1854.
12. Maps under title: Map of Persia published in 1886 (this ma p was prepared upon instruction by Ministry of Seafaring and by Information Services of Ministry of War of England.)
13. Map of Persia prepared by Captain St. John upon instruction by Vice -Minister at Indian Affairs, England Cabinet in 1874.
14. Map of Persia pr epared by Information Sector of English Ministry of War in 1891.
15. Map of Iran, Afghanistan and Balouchestan published under supervision of Kerzen in 1891 and 1892. 16. Maps under the title Map of Persia, prepared in Simla Drawing Department in 1897.
Applications of the Name PERSIAN GULF by International Organizations
Organizations and affiliated foundations have applied the correct name of PERSIAN GULF since they have been incorporated, excluding one case, which corrected it through Note No. AD311/1GEN dated March 5, 1971. In confirmation and response to the correspondence of the government of Iran for application of the complete name of PERSIAN GULF in the publications and deeds of United Nations and affiliated organizations, 14 notes and correspondences can be mentioned containing the aforementioned note of Secretariat of United Nations, containing the amendment of Deed IPPD14/UNIDB. From among the other instructions of United Nations, the following samples can be named:
· Note No. LA45.82 dated Aug. 10, 1984 (New York)
· Circular No. CAB/1/87/63 dated 16.02.1987 of Managing Director of UNESCO.
· ST/CSSER/29 dated Jan. 10, 1990.
· AD/311/1/GEN dated March 5, 1991.
· ST/CS/SER.A/29/Add.1 dated Jan. 24, 1992.
· ST/CS/SER.A/29/Add.2 dated Aug. 18, 1994.
· ST/CS/SER.A/29/Rev.1 dated May 14, 1999.
In all the abovementioned notes and circulars, it has been requested that the water body existing at the south side of Iran be stated: PERSIAN GULF. The Specialized Group for Experts on Standardization of Geographical Names, active in the United Nations Social Economical Council also emphasizes the correct use of historical names for features, and is active in dispute settlement related to geographical names. "Naphtali Cadman" the head of Work Group for Toponymy Information has state d that the motivation to change the name of PERSIAN GULF is purely political.
Background for Application of Incorrect Words Instead of PERSIAN GULF
After England's attack on Khark Island in 1837, the government of Iran at that time protested to England's separatist policy in the PERSIAN GULF and officially warned the government of Britain to avoid mischief intended at separating the southern side of Iran. This warning caused the Times Journal, published in London in 1840, to name the PERSIAN GULF for the first time as Britain Sea, but such a name never found any place. Moreover, following nationalization of the oil industry in Iran in 1950 and dispossession of English Companies and discontinuation of relations between Iran and England, the Ministry of English Colonies, for the first time used the incorrect name of this water body. In these years, the States South of the Persian Gulf were either colonies of Britain or under its support. To compensate its defeat, the government of England published a book by Roderick Oven, an agent of English Spy Org., in 1957 which was immediately translated into Arabic. In this book the assassination of the name PERSIAN GULF began and in 1966, Sir Charles M. Belgrieve, the political agent of England in the affairs of Persian Gulf Southern States supported by England, published a book at the end of his mission named: Golden Bulbs at Arabic Gulf. After coup of Abdolkarim Ghasem in 1958 in Iraq and then coup by Baas and their claims for some lands against Iran, they avoided using the name of PERSIAN GULF for political reasons. In 1960, after Iran and Egypt's disconnection of relationships and after the Arab-Israeli war, anti Iranian actions culminated due to the previous Iranian regime’s support of Israel. This occurred in Arabic Circles and in a congress of Baas Party convened at Damascus, in which participating heads demanded for change of the name of PERSIAN GULF to the forged name of Arabic gulf, without relying on any legal and historical document. Following this, to achieve the political motive, they altered this historical name in the text books of Arabic Countries. After the Islamic Revolution in 1987, followed by breaking relations between USA and Iran, and commencement of the imposed war of Iraq against Iran, there have been some efforts to apply incorrect words instead of the Name Persian Gulf. Most of these efforts were not on purpose but resulted from unawareness of facts. Though, in USA the geographic and publication institutes have been hardly influenced by other countries, but in 2005, we witnessed that the reputable National Geographic Society, with a past history of not accepting and using forged words in its works, distorted the name of PERSIAN GULF and Iranian islands and intentionally mentioned incorrect inf ormation. This action only helped damaging its own international credibility, but ultimately, it surrendered to protests of Iranians throughout the world and corrected its error. It is interesting that Mr. Roderick Oven stipulated in Golden Bulbs at Arabic Gulf: "I visited all parts of PERSIAN GULF and believed that it was Persian Gulf, because I noticed no map or deed, unless it had named the place as Persian Gulf, but when I watched it closely, I found out that the people residing at the southern beaches are Arabs, therefore, to be polite, we should name it: Arabic Gulf." Either Mr. Roderick Oven should have noticed that on the northern sector of that water body, up to 1269 km of coast exists with a far larger population who speak Farsi. This is larger than the Arabian population he was concerned about. He did not notice the important fact that this sea was first named by the Greeks and neither Iranian nor Arabs took any part in it. The Muslims and Arab Geographers learned the names from the Greeks and Romans, and used it in their works, especially that they named Pars Sea, unanimously: Persian Gulf. In the end, it is worth mentioning that the name of Persian Gulf has been admitted in all the live languages of the world so far and all the countries throughout the world, name this Iranian Sea, just in the language of the people: PERSIAN GULF. Even our Arab brothers do not need to alter a historical name to have a gulf of their own, because there had been a gulf in their own name previously mentioned in the historical and geographical works and drawings, which is called at present the Red Sea (Bahr Ahmar).
Source: UN
11:58 AM
Labels: Golf, Persian Golf
Apr 18, 2007
Alexei Sayle: Here's why the Iranians hate us
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
During the recent Iranian hostage crisis I read several articles by Middle East experts which stated that the Iranians have a distorted idea about the power of the UK and its ability to secretly manipulate their affairs.
The average Iranian apparently sees the hand of the British empire behind even the most banal crisis such as their toaster getting glued up with cheese or their losing one glove.
This is partly justified because at one time this country did cause tremendous upheaval in what was called Persia. We invaded it in 1941 to secure oil supplies and in 1953, with the CIA, we deposed the elected president, Muhammad Mossadegh, and replaced him with the weak-kneed Shah. The Shah created his brutal secret police, the Savak, whose torture and repression led to the civil unrest that in turn brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power. Mossadegh's crime was that he thought he might like the profits from the oil taken from his country to go back to his country. This didn't suit the Anglo Iranian Oil Company (now BP), and so he was got rid of.
More than anything else, though, the reason the average Iranian thinks Britain has an infinite capacity for evil is that until recently the only car you could buy in Iran was a local version of that epitome of motoring excellence, the Hillman Hunter, known as the "Paykan".
So grateful was he to us, that the Shah did an exclusive deal with what was then called the Rootes Group so that the only car sold in Iran was the poxy Hunter. I know if anybody forced me to drive a Hillman Hunter in 2007 it would make me want to overthrow the government and replace it with a Shia theocracy, but it might also convince me that they had powers of extraordinary evil.
And it wasn't just clapped out old cars that we forced on the Persians. Have you ever wondered where all the Millets shops went? When I was in my late teens there were Millets in every town, then suddenly they all seemed to vanish. That's right, you've guessed it, under the Shah the only clothes shops that were allowed were Millets and that's why, until recently, every male Iranian dressed as if he'd just stepped off a miners' picket line in 1974, Bri-Nylon flared trousers, strange tartan bum-freezer jacket and platform boots. Indeed, President Ahmadinejad's trademark shortie anorak, (a huge fashion hit in Iran) is a classic Millets design from 1973 and was originally worn by racing driver James Hunt and the Bay City Rollers.
Nowadays, Iran has started making cars of their own designs. Studying my World Cars catalogue I see that they make a fairly mad-looking saloon called the Iran Khodro Samand Sarir and a lumpy hatchback called the Saipa 141 Liftback. So, just as people have been apologising for slavery, we could make amends to the Iranians by buying their cars. I have myself put in an order for a nice blue Morattab Pazhan 3000 GLV from the Morattab Industrial Manufacturing Co, Jomhuri Avenue, Tehran, Iran. I suggest that when the Government renews its car fleet for, say, the Home Office, they buy Kish Khodro Sinad IIs. Then the ayatollahs will really know we are sorry for interfering.
Source: Belfast Telegraph
8:10 AM
Mar 20, 2007
Feb 26, 2007
No title
I didn’t sleep last night not because I had many papers to mark but I had a very strange weekend with lots of mixed feelings. In some senses it was a good weekend. I met my friends, we all went somewhere else to join another friend which I hadn’t visited her for a long time. But I was confused, punchy and my feelings were mixed up. I couldn’t find myself and started acting like a five year old boy. I acted like that to hide something else. I don’t know how to put this. I was asking myself why I should follow the others rules? What if I want to do something else in my life? What if I don’t want to be like others? Maybe I want to do something else with my time and achieve something totally different to things that other people want. I suffer and suffer when I want to do something else and the others don’t understand me. It is very difficult for me to explain myself as those things are inside me. I think each individual has freedom to decide what to do with his life. Some of us may make decisions having dangerous consequences and at the end costing our life. So there is no one to blame at the end as each person is responsible for his own decisions including me. I have made few important decisions in my life which they are not normal! I am not going to share these with you as they are top secret and very personal. I am aware of my decisions consequences. I realised that no other person can understand me and start saying things that hurt me. Let me put it this way, imagine you have decided to not drive a car because you have had a very bad experience and you prefer to use public transport. You know that driving has few advantages in you life and make it easier but you want to do something else. You want to try another life style and you want to prove yourself that you can do your jobs without having a car. Then one day your friends notice that you don’t drive a car. They start insisting and insisting to you to drive a car. They want it for you as they want the best for you but they are not you. They haven’t been in your position and they can not understand what you have had in the past. They insist and insist again and reach to the point where you mixed up and start asking yourself “Maybe I should drive a car again?”. Then you step forward, you buy a car and drive it. At this point your friends will leave you alone as you did it what they were thing is the best for you so there is nothing else to talk about. Then you now have your time and start thinking what happened to my plans and decisions. Here, you should be very lucky if you don’t crash again in the middle of your thoughts.
4:17 PM
Feb 14, 2007
LOVE happens only once
Love is the best thing may happen in your life, it happens once and won’t repeat again ever! When time is worthless next to her, when you start counting her breaths, when you want nothing in her absence, when you wait and wait for her call and when you don’t want to leave when she is with you, that’s love. When you start to cry by looking in her eyes, that’s love. When you want to sleep forever next to her that is called love. So when you have these feelings, don’t let it to go, take it, stick to it ; because Love happens once in your life and doesn’t repeat. Love is the best thing may happen to you and don’t listen to the others. They are not in your shoe and they don’t feel what you feel. Close your eyes and follow your hearth because Love happens once in your life. If you leave it behind, one day you will regret it, no matter what you become or how much money you make. Take my advice and don’t let Love to go and learn the Power of Love.
9:18 PM
I wish everyday was like today!
It is Valentine and I can see even in Kabul people are buying gifts and dining out. But should really be a specific day on our calendar reminding us Love and loving each other? Why we forget each other? Why we do don’t look after each other every day and then suddenly, over the night we send flowers to each other? Why every day is not a Valentine day? Maybe there will be no tomorrow to tell our loved ones how much we love them and how much we care about the. Maybe tomorrow is too late to tell them, maybe next Valentine is too late to tell them how much we are grateful knowing them, so don’t wait till Valentine. Think each day of your life is a Valentine day.
Feb 7, 2007
Fight Global Warming!
3:31 PM
Feb 5, 2007
I Miss You Old Friend
5:54 PM
Feb 3, 2007
Something New!
2:33 PM
Jan 31, 2007
Still I don't undersatnd!
You call your friends every week, you send them text messages, emails, greeting cards etc. but you don't get back anything in return! Even they don't remember your birthday! Why is that? Why I have to put so much effort (don't mention my bills) to call someone who doesn't appreciate it. Then when you give up and stop calling them; they complain that I don't pay attention to them, I have forgotten them. Am I doing something wrong? Am I expecting too much? I really don't understand these type of people and this kind of friendship. This is a very old story and I have asked many people if they have been in the same position. Most of the people I talked to, have had the same experience. So if the most of us had it before, why don't we learn from it? Why don't you move your lazy big ass and spend two minutes of your time to tell your friend "I care about you". Unless you don't care really, so don't complain next time if we met!
PS: Suddenly I remember all those efforts and please excuse my language.
11:59 PM
Aqua Regia Digestion
11:46 PM
Jan 22, 2007
If God could talk!
12:46 PM