Many times I have been writing about friend and friendship. I might have written more about this matter than chemical engineering or my research. Maybe you all are tired of this subject. But to be honest our daily life is associated with other people. Others impact or change our moods. They can make us happy or sad. We can get hurt or heal. Hence, every second of our life is affected by people around us especially those we call them friend. So this is a fact that we can’t ignore the others and they can’t live without us. We need each other to survive. We need each other to have better life; to improve; to develop. So let’s read part of Queen’s song, dedicated to my good friends who are there for me always:
It's not easy love, but you've got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand 'cos friends will be friends - right till the end
Now it's a beautiful day
The postman delivered a letter from your lover
Only a 'phone call away
You tried to track him down but somebody stole his number
As a matter of fact
You're getting used to life without him in your way
It's so easy now, 'cos you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand 'cos friends will be friends - right till the end
It's so easy now, 'cos you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand - friends will be friends - right till the end
Sep 13, 2005
Friends will be friends
3:30 PM