Few days ago I was upset because of a personal problem. I went for a long walk to Norfolk Park where I sat and I review my whole situation. The park was so quiet and few pensioners walking around far far away. Sometimes we may ask ourselves why we are living? Why are we so hard on each other? Why do we expect everything to be so perfect? We all know that we are not living in a perfect world but why we expect that high standards in our relationships, education, job, food etc.? So I was thinking that before I decide to continue my career in chemical engineering I should have a good justification to do it. I reviewed all possible reasons that I might choose chemical engineering. Because I was inspired by all chemical plants? It is possible but also it would loose its attraction. Because my father is an engineer? Yes, it was one of the reasons but not any more! Because I was born in engineering environment and everything around me was combined or about engineering? Again yes but I was looking for better philosophy; something that helps me to continue forever. Something so powerful that not only me but also inspires anybody to contribute in building the world. I use this introduction to open series of notes about philosophy in building better world.
Sep 22, 2005
Chemical Engineering and Philosophy
1:40 PM