Sep 23, 2005

Fun Time

تور بزرگ ملکوت
- سه شب بهشت، دو شب جهنم، دو شب برزخ- بازديد از مهم ترين مراکز فرهنگی، هنری، تفريحی ملکوت- بازديد از پل زيبای صراط- بازديد از معروف ترين مار دنيا؛ غاشيه- تجربه ی سفری زيبا بر روی شير عسل های رودخانه های بهشت- بازديد از بارگاه الهی و خانه ی جبرائيل- بازديد از اژدهای دو سر
هزينه های تور شامل :
- هزينه ی جابه جايی و اقامت همراه با صبحانه- هزينه ی ويزای بهشت هزينه ی جا به جايی با قاليچه ی پرنده - هزينه ی خدمات جانبی (حوری - قلمان)
علاقه مندان می توانند برای شرکت در تور و کسب اطلاعات بيشتر هر چه سريع تر با عزرائيل تماس بگيرند!
کنسرت بزرگ هايده و ويگن(برای حال دادن به زلزله زدگان شمال و بم که تازه اومدن اين جا)
با حضور افتخاری ايرج بسطامیمکان: آمفی تئاتر اصلی بهشت، آسمان هفتم!زمان: جمعه ی ديگه
علاقه مندان برای تهيه ی بليط و در صورتی که احساس می کنند به بهشت می روند، می توانند تا آخر وقت اداری چهارشنبه فوت شوند

My website

I have updated my website and now you can have my weekly check:



Video of the week

Check it out!

Book Chart

From now on, every week I introduce a new book.

Persian Fire
The First World Empire, Battle for the West

By: Tom Holland
Publisher: Little Brown
Released: September 2005
Price: £20

Sep 22, 2005

Chemical Engineering and Philosophy

Few days ago I was upset because of a personal problem. I went for a long walk to Norfolk Park where I sat and I review my whole situation. The park was so quiet and few pensioners walking around far far away. Sometimes we may ask ourselves why we are living? Why are we so hard on each other? Why do we expect everything to be so perfect? We all know that we are not living in a perfect world but why we expect that high standards in our relationships, education, job, food etc.? So I was thinking that before I decide to continue my career in chemical engineering I should have a good justification to do it. I reviewed all possible reasons that I might choose chemical engineering. Because I was inspired by all chemical plants? It is possible but also it would loose its attraction. Because my father is an engineer? Yes, it was one of the reasons but not any more! Because I was born in engineering environment and everything around me was combined or about engineering? Again yes but I was looking for better philosophy; something that helps me to continue forever. Something so powerful that not only me but also inspires anybody to contribute in building the world. I use this introduction to open series of notes about philosophy in building better world.

Engineering our mind

Today my second student graduated and left the university, it is a wonderful feeling. You know, I think I did my best for him. He sounds happy when he said bye and he thanked me for whatever I did for him. I believe I taught not only principles of engineering but also I gave him something that he can do more what he practised in the lab. He learned how to engineer his mind. He practised defining his problems and seeking affordable solutions for it. I think we all can go to chemical engineering books and memorise all of them. But analysing situations, making our mind, deciding effectively, predicting problems and managing ourselves are thing that we need to exercise. I know many good engineers with high level of knowledge but very week in making decisions or approaching problems. They are well educated but only on paper. For an engineer the most important thing is having a vision. It is like imaging whole the battlefield in their mind and finding the best affordable solution for defeating the enemy. So I had only one advice for my student:

Engineer your mind before doing anything else.

Sep 13, 2005

More on Chem Eng

From now on I promise to write more on Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

Friends will be friends

Many times I have been writing about friend and friendship. I might have written more about this matter than chemical engineering or my research. Maybe you all are tired of this subject. But to be honest our daily life is associated with other people. Others impact or change our moods. They can make us happy or sad. We can get hurt or heal. Hence, every second of our life is affected by people around us especially those we call them friend. So this is a fact that we can’t ignore the others and they can’t live without us. We need each other to survive. We need each other to have better life; to improve; to develop. So let’s read part of Queen’s song, dedicated to my good friends who are there for me always:

It's not easy love, but you've got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand 'cos friends will be friends - right till the end

Now it's a beautiful day
The postman delivered a letter from your lover
Only a 'phone call away
You tried to track him down but somebody stole his number
As a matter of fact
You're getting used to life without him in your way

It's so easy now, 'cos you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand 'cos friends will be friends - right till the end

It's so easy now, 'cos you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hand - friends will be friends - right till the end