One day morning, you wake up, what a lovely day, a sunny day, everthing smiles to you and decide to go you small lab doing an experiment. Yes, I want to do it! I want it and I will. Nothing in the world can stop me...what a good day...Now you are in the lab. You take your sample and you want to weight it..So it is very easy...the easiest thing in the world of scince is weighing if you have a scale...yes scale...I need a scale..But where is it? It used to be there..on the bench..Ask staff if they have seen the scale...yes, the scale is scale no experiment..the scale is gone!!! Your good day...what a day...
Think about it..Our research environment is very important. Research or Hassle? If you are looking for high quality research then everything should be provided, I mean if you prepare everything, then later you have just think about the procedure and the experiment itself. But here you have to protect your laboratory equipments because other researchers do not give a damn about your project..What a world we are living in..We talk about G8 everyday..we talk about human rights everysecond and then we are simply blind about our behaviour!
Jul 6, 2005
Research time!
12:52 PM