I have to say I am very pleased that I am in this big event. A great place which all great chemical engineers gathered together fot making this world a better place to live in. People from aroung the world are here sharing their experinces without any hesitation. I think we all have learn from that. In addition to that I have seen many Iranians mostly from Zahedan Univeristy. Although the qality of their works is matter of question, there is a hope when you do not find a scientist or engineer from other countries in middle east. I wish all those presenters luck and I hope they understand their responsbility in presenting Iran.
I will write more...
Jul 13, 2005
7thWCCE 1
10:04 AM
Jul 9, 2005
I will be back!
Well, another conference...I am going Glasgow for World Congress of Chemical Engineering. I will return 20th of July and I will write more then.
5:04 PM
Jul 8, 2005
Friendship Test
What a strange world! One day we are happy and another day we are sad! In our life time we meet people and become friend. Everyone call themselves friend! But there is no written description of friend and friendship. That's why friendship is beautiful. It is like art. You build a relationship. You are painting a great picture. But you should be careful. A black spot may ruin your entire picture. So who are true friends? How can we test them? Is it really important to test them? The answer is up to you! We need to trust someone and because people do not want to take that responsibility maybe because of their own benefits, they may abuse your trust. So at the end you will find yourself alone! Then I think it will be good to examine our friends to see if we can trust them or not although the results may be upsetting. I usually test my friends in my own way and look at the results. Unfortunately some of them may fail. Not because they are bad. That isn't the reason. Because they are looking after something else. They have found their benefit some where else. So they can't be honest with you anymore.
But let me remind you that a true friend does not exchange you easily with his own benefits.
A great fellow told me that a true friend is like a star, always above your head, he is shining for you above your head even in cloudy days, even when you do not look after it.
10:48 AM
Jul 6, 2005
Just a box!
Yesterday morning I went to the lab. I saw all my bottles and sample tubes are on the floor and their box is gone. Finding another box was an easy job to do. I found another box and returned all of them to the box. I found out that a professor in the department who was looking for a box took the box without asking me. When in a department a professor is behaving like this would you expect students to act differently? What do you call this?
1:04 PM
Research time!
One day morning, you wake up, what a lovely day, a sunny day, everthing smiles to you and decide to go you small lab doing an experiment. Yes, I want to do it! I want it and I will. Nothing in the world can stop me...what a good day...Now you are in the lab. You take your sample and you want to weight it..So it is very easy...the easiest thing in the world of scince is weighing if you have a scale...yes scale...I need a scale..But where is it? It used to be there..on the bench..Ask staff if they have seen the scale...yes, the scale is gone..no scale no experiment..the scale is gone!!! Your good day...what a day...
Think about it..Our research environment is very important. Research or Hassle? If you are looking for high quality research then everything should be provided, I mean if you prepare everything, then later you have just think about the procedure and the experiment itself. But here you have to protect your laboratory equipments because other researchers do not give a damn about your project..What a world we are living in..We talk about G8 everyday..we talk about human rights everysecond and then we are simply blind about our behaviour!
12:52 PM
Jul 4, 2005
Mass transfer of friends
It is matter of freindship..So what's the link to chemical engineering! I have to say nothing! I am going to use this space to express my feeling as I think my relationships and daily life is affecting my research quality!
Maybe you know few people in your life that you know very well they are not true friends, not very bright people and they are upsetting you by their behaviour!But you can't help the situation, as they are in your life! Once you trusted them and now you realised that they are not your type..But it is too late, they have entered circle of trust and taking them off the circle is not easy! Everyday you think how I should help myself in this situation! Shall I ignore them? Shall I fight? Shall I move to another place? How can I change it?
Here, filtering friends usually happens everytime, as we are all changing, we are moving, we are dynamic and our system is not steady state! So there is output and there is input and ofcourse in any system there is accumulation.
So people would enter your system ,exit (input and output of the system) and only and only true friends will be accumulated in your system. Now you should be careful, to take care of system temperature and pressure. You may spoil your system. I would say calculations in this system is very important and do not enter anyone. Also you should be brave enough to remove bugs from the system, so do not shutdown the output flow and leave it on.
Ture friends will be accumulated in the system under any condition.
3:52 PM
My sweet little terrorist song
I'm detained
captured "in-framed"
I'm detained
and I destroy
I deny
I'm on a decline
this is just about how I'm definedand I'm a walking weapon
don't touch me couse I just might blow
legally I'm nobody , when I cross the border
I'm somebody meanmy international rights are in some poiticians thought
I'm just a dreamas I turn to this microphone and scream
I just wanna watch Dylan playin' live
I won't fly into Pentagon aliveand if they catch me on a plane from Amsterdom
believe me it's not for any political crime
I'm a living catastrophe
look how imprtant I've becomeand my brother in Palestinehe's even ten times more strong
but when they went to Afghanistanor fly to free Iraq I was singing in my room
when it bloomed in Japanand all the years of Vietnam
I wasn't even bornthis miserable world
we appear on their TV shows like creatures from another planet
if they ever knock on my door,
it's just for the oilor mysteries left from my ancient parents
I got my friend in California I die to see her but I can'tand my sweet cousin in Parisshe just wants to show me around
I'm detained
captured "in-framed"
I'm detained
from the AXES OF EVIL
I'm the right hand of the devil
I'm a terrorist though I haven't killed anyone yet
I'm a suicidal bomb, be careful, I might go off in the end of this song
3:30 PM