Looking for a job in Environment Industry? Then visit ENDS
Oct 27, 2005
Job hunting! (1)
Are you looking for a job in Engineering field? Do you want to work in your field? Well I have to say it is not difficult if you do it step by step. The only thing you need is starting job hunting on the right time and in the right place! If you are a final year student and you know that you will get your degree in a year then start looking for a job NOW! Do not waste your time by saying I have one year and I can do it in summer! Make a list of all companies working in your field. If you are a Chemical Engineer then make a list of all companies in chemical industry. Then shortlist them on the basis of your interest. Now go to their website and do a little research about them. Where is their base? What are they doing? what is their overturn? How many employees have they? etc. Then again shortlist them and you will come out with few companies that you really want to work for.
4:54 PM
Book Chart
Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment
John Glasson, Riki Therivel, Andrew Chadwick
Price: £23.00
Are you looking for a good book on EIA? Are you going to work on environmental projects? So then this book is a good start for you. I am reading it and although I know most of the material there, the book is good written and organised. I recommend it for all people looking forward in working in Environment Industry.
3:29 PM
Life is Life
What a great day I had yesterday! Well it all started early morning with a phone call from a friend! That was just the start...My friend had a problem and another friend was involved. Then my good friend got a ticket (£80.00) for parking her car in front of my flat just 30 min after the phone call! Then I received a great email from the company I was hoping to work for them. The email was just like a punch in my face and I was confused for several hours. Then after a lovely evening and night with Mayor of Battle City I bought two pizza and we went home after mid night hoping that everything will be fine day after. But that bloody day did not finish there. When I opened the pizza box they were GREEN! Yes the last thing we needed to complete our day. So I left the flat and went to the shop to change the pizza! After all, we went to bed 4 AM. What a wonderful day. But Life is Life and we go on and continue and we will never give up. This is life.
3:14 PM
Oct 24, 2005
Welcome 4KhOOneh
Allow me to welcome my bother to our world....so please visit his 4KhOOneh
9:04 PM
Link chart
Are you looking for a job or studentship in academia then see jobs.ac.uk
9:00 PM
Can a PhD student get a job?
Of course we all looking forward to getting a job after doing our course, degree, MBA or PhD. Some of us think that more you study more difficult to get a job as there is a possibility of becoming overqualified. Giant companies prefer to employ graduates with a good degree, give them necessary training and then make them default for a specific mission. Yes, it is cheaper and less risk, as graduates follow company’s orders and guides line by line. But how about a doctor? A person who has developed high skills with good potentials and strong research background. Can he be a good employee? Can the company use him as a machine? Well, technically yes but not for a long time! I mean the process is new for a doctor but he will learn it very soon. Even he is able to modify or improve it. So after a period the process will be definitely boring. So eventually employing a doctor for a simple task will not be efficient. So where can a doctor go? To academia? If he doesn’t appreciate academia? If he likes to go to industry? Can he be employed as a professional? The answer is NO. I have tried and all the companies I applied are seeking for a professional with at least two years work experience. They do not count postgraduate experience as work experience whereas I believe it is and it is a priceless experience. The skills I developed during my PhD are useful and priceless. Skills such as:
- project management
- networking
- communicating
- presentation skills
- lateral thinking
- time management
and overall of all above skills I became a lifelong learner. I can find out about anything that I don’t know. So where can I work. I have one suggestion and that is CONSULTANCIES!
Yes, that’s the only place that you can go and apply your skills, using your project management skills and climbing the employment ladder very fast. You will be involved in many projects and will learn many new things. I think that’s the only place a person with PhD can be employed apart of academia.
8:37 PM
Oct 21, 2005
Oct 20, 2005
Doing PhD?
To do PhD or not to do PhD? That's the question! This is a question that for the last three years I have asking myself. Also everyone I know asked me the same question! I believe PhD is a process and of course it has a product but it is more a process. A process that you go through it and earns and develop many useful skills. So if you have time, money and ambition to do it, do not hesitate.. DO IT! But if you are thinking by getting a PhD you will make more money, or you think it will be easier to find a job then do not it. PhD offers you something that you will never get in other places. It organise your mind. Here I have to say I know many cases that PhD students could not get anything from it and they just wasted their time. It really depends on you...how you deal with and how you mange it. So do it if and only if you are 100% sure.
4:58 PM