Remember Modelling Story, well I am still busy with it! The main question to answer is why modelling? We model a system to predict system's behaviour with out doing any experimnetal work. If that is the answer, them I have got. For Estimation of trace elements release from fly ash three scenarios are provided:
1- Disposal in a percolation release regime
2- Utilisation as granular fill
3- Utilisation in road construction
Now there is use for the model. I am working on my results. Trying to find a way to use information from batch leaching test in order to estimate release of trace elements from fly ash samples under above scenarios. I think I know what I wnat to do. I don't want only to model fly leaching without any aim or objective, just showing my math skills! I was looking for a reason for it and I found it.
So full power ahead to solve it...Let you know the results when I got it.
Jun 8, 2005
So far So good!
9:37 AM
Jun 7, 2005
Double diffuse layer!
Working on a theory to model trace elements release from fly ash particles. Please read:
Solid-liquid mass trasnfer during leaching of Ca from dilut slurries of fly ash
By: R. S. Iyer
Let you know the results later!
5:22 PM
Transport processes
Looking to model transport processes from leachtes produced from fly ash lagoons! Well, I have to say that three processes are involved:
1- Advection
2- Hydrodynamic dispersion
3- Chemical recations
For modelling we need to right mass balance equation. It is very simple. The solution depends on your assumptions and it can be a simple diffusion equation to a 3D complex equation. For more details you can read Groundwater by Freeze.
5:15 PM
A bottle of Argon
Well, another day, another story! Today I spent almost an hour to get permission to order two bottles of Argon for the ICP-MS equipment! As my supervisor was away today morning, I needed to ask somebody else to sign my order form. I learned that:
Stop doing any experiment and wait till your superviosr comes back!
No wonder some experiments takes so long!!!!!!!!
5:07 PM
Jun 5, 2005
A visit to Brighton
First of all I learned not to trust BBC weather! or even Yahoo one! Don't ask me, just try it yourself. We double checked Friday weather, BBC said it should be sunny and hot. Well we all left Guildford head to Brighton.
First impression: It was not kind of the city that I expected. It was small and dirty. Even worse than Bradford!!!! I could not believe it, Brighton with beach...Oh you can't call it beach...No Sand...No sun...No babes...Sun No Sun.
Second impression: It has the best Fish and Chips...You don't believe me, try it yourself.
We returned to Guildford around 5 ish and I checked BBC website: it said Brighton is Sunny on Friday!!!
8:28 AM