Playing poker in London with my best friends, far away from research and Lab! I needed it!
May 28, 2005
New model for batch leaching
Today I developed a new mathematical model for batch leaching test on the basis of Fick's law! Chemical reactions and diffusion have been included in this model. Finger cross for the model which I will put in practice next week!
1:18 AM
No more research this weekend!
well, after two days hard work in the lab, carrying out Mass Transfer test and preparing the lab for nex week experiments (Leachin contact time), no more research this bank holiday weekend!
1:15 AM
May 26, 2005
Third yera presentation, After it!
What a wonderful day! It was really great...Well the story: I was had 30 min which the guy before took 10 min of my time! So I had only 20 min for the presentation and question part! So I did it very fast. I talked like hell, a very short introduction, assuming that I am doing in a chemical engineering department, full of chemical engineers! But I slowed down in the rseults and discussion part, the mjor part of my work.
I undestood that no one listened to me! No one red the forst slide! No one knew my name except few people which I appreciate them. My supervisor is a great man, he always supports me and I appreciate his kindness and helps.
But the battle field was the question part, when the assessor asked an old question: Where is your model?
Just read his comment on my presentation:
Needs a outline (PS. I am sure he did not linsten ver well)
Thesis should have clear modelling and analysis of equilibrum.diffusion.
I have to add that in this project modelling was in the pbjectives. But I included Mass Transfer tests. Well, in reality, it is impossible to model leachability of trace elements from fly ash, where structure of a fly ash to another one is different. On the other hand, it will be useless to model leaching when the model will be applied on only one type of fly ash! There is no point in modelling fly ash leaching when to can not generilise it. I think the assessor does not know about these facts. He is assessing the project from his point of view and I strongly disagree with him.
3:07 PM
May 24, 2005
Third year presentation
Tomoroow I have to give a presentation on my PhD research. I am going to talk about batch leaching tests (Availability, TCLP and BS EN tests). I believe these tests do not present actual scenario happing in the environment! We need to design more real tests close to the enviornmnetal conditions. In addition to these, I will talk about leaching behaviour of UK fly ash and effects of pH and LS (Liquid-to-Soild) ratio on leaching process..
12:43 PM
May 9, 2005
Free lime and Arsenic leachability
Well, after months working in the lab, today we found a relationship between free lime content of PFA (coal combustion fly ash) and arsenic leachability. I was very exciting. It was found that during combustion part of the CaO racts with As and the product is an insoluble form of arsein. On the other hand less arsenic will leach. For more information please contact.
2:54 PM